I’m Michelle, and I love books and wine. I’m qualified, I promise. I even passed the Level 1 sommelier exam. But I’m not stuffy or snobbish about my wine. I promise that too.
As for the books, I simply cannot stop reading. My favorite room in my house is a windowless room filled with IKEA Billy bookcases, bursting with books. Those are just the books I absolutely must have in physical format - books I can’t live without. I also have over 2,000 books on my Kindle. I just love to read.
You can check out the About page to learn more about my wine writing and the types of books I read. For this blog, I hope to pair wine with books, review wine, review books, and I will also be making cocktails.
I’m learning this new medium, so we’ll see if I can send 1 or 2 posts per week. Don’t worry. There isn’t a paid tier at the moment. As I learn the ropes around here, this newsletter is free.